Meet the Team


Lindsay Anderson - Owner

Lindsay attended junior high, high school, and college here in Santa Barbara. She worked for Channel Island Surfboards during high school and college.

After college, Lindsay worked her way up to the International Visual Director of Massimo Dutti in New York City. During a night out with her roommates, Lindsay met Seth and the rest is history!

Lindsay bought Seth a home brewing kit for their first Christmas together and to this day they still brew from some of those recipes.

Seth Anderson - Owner

Seth is originally from Virginia, but was working in New York City for Goldman Sachs for 7 years when he met Lindsay. After home brewing together for a few years in their 500-square-foot apartment they decided to leave their jobs to travel for a year.

The two set out “WWOOF” ing across Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. This is where they perfected the details of their dream of one day owning a business.

Caitlin Bishop - Director of Operations

When Caitlin’s résumé came across our desk more than a year before we hired her, we knew from our first meeting with her at some point we would work together. That opportunity came about when we opened our Uptown location in 2023 and we needed someone with a real full-service restaurant pedigree. Caitlin had spent the last 10 years in New York honing her skill under famed restauranteurs such as  Danny Meyer, Jose Garces, and others. She too has been a home brewer for years and has worked with a handful of well known names in beer. She opened up the door to successfully managing our fast and growing team. She is constantly reminding Seth and Lindsay of the original dreams to own a brew deck and is passionate about every ounce of beer that comes through our taps!

Emily Evans - Event Coordinator

Emily came to Brass Bear indirectly as Seth and Lindsay‘s son‘s daycare teacher. When she told us she was looking for a change, we offered a server position at the Uptown location. She quickly established herself as a passionate professional expecting excellence from all of her employees. When the event coordinator role opened up, she spilled the beans that she had years of experience at Westmont College, where she graduated from. She has been the most detail-oriented and perfection-pursuant employee to date. Events are lucky to have her coordinate them. 

Martin Gomez - Head Chef Uptown

As a 16-year-old, Martin immigrated to California from Oaxaca, Mexico. Martin worked at Stella Mares as a dishwasher for 6 months beginning in 1999. As a result, his passion for cooking began to blossom, and he knew he wanted to make cooking his life's work.

With 15 years of experience at Estella Mare and 7 years at Cafe Stella, Chef Martin is so excited to be your head chef at Brass Bear Brewing. Martin is looking forward to providing his best to make your experience at Brass Bear Brewing as enjoyable as possible.

Jonathan Mellor - Head Chef Funk Zone

Chef Mellor has always had a passion for food, doing his first dinner at the age doing of 12 for 8 people. Since then, Jonathan has made it a point to study as many cuisines as he can. With over 20 years in the restaurant industry from California to Wisconsin, chef Mellor’s experience ranges from Southern BBQ to French Cuisine. Chef Mellor is considered one of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin’s Most Experienced Executive Chefs of 2023. We are fortunate that he decided to return to his California roots.